Monday, January 21, 2008

Flooring...Thick Vs. Thin

When you are looking to purchase flooring, what do you look for, Style or Quality? For me, it all depends on what project I am working on. This house I am working on is a rental house but I want it to look nice and last for a while.

When I am replacing my home floors or for a house I am going to resell, I go for Quality and Style! The Kitchen is one floor you don't want to skimp on. I love wood flooring or tile flooring in the kitchen. Make sure you do your homework before buying. Don't just fall in love with the looks of the flooring and then later realize that the flooring was made poorly.

With the flooring I used for this rental house, I went to Home Depot and purchased Traffic Master stick down tiles. I know they don't call them "stick down tiles" but that is my little nick name I use. I like the brand Traffic Masters because they are a much thicker tile and holds up to heavy traffic just like the brand name suggest. Some other brand tiles maybe cheaper but they are much thinner and easily tear.

There is a proper way to lay this flooring. Don't worry it is much simpler than you might think. I will dicuss this later and have pictures to help illustrate how this is done.

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